Motorcycle burnout, fire accident, oil duct malfunction. Palenie gumy razem z motocyklem.

Motorcycle burnout, fire accident, oil duct malfunction. Palenie gumy razem z motocyklem.
zasięg: 1004961
czas trwania: 5m 39s
meble kuchenne – ublin
ocena: 806

Waszym zdaniem:

- Wasze zdanie na temat
- Kkkkkkk
- sopla mas fuerte haber si se apaga gilipollas
- なんでアホばっかなん?
- еблан
- I thought i saw this on e-bay the other week. " one GSXR1100 streetfighter , cool looking home made alloy tailpiece and exhaust pipe , slightly toasted
- Mal empregada. Morreu 
- nie wiem co on taki kurwa zadowolony :)
- Fucking dumbass
- 過熱で燃料ホースやオイルラインホースが溶けて引火するぐらい解るだろ。
- дебилы везде одинаковые
- I know the word "kurwa" :D
- bo do motocyklu trzeba mieć szacunek, inaczej on Ciebie go nauczy,,,
- 400 chłopa 3 gasnicie po 1 kg
- #VIDEO: Incendia su moto por quemar una llanta.
- you can clearly see from his face that he is a total fuckin idiot.
- radom...
- The only malfunction was in the incomplete neuropathway of recognizing that an air cooled engine really does need air to stay cool

It SOUNDED hot as fuck after 1:10, I'd have run it down the street at a good clip for about 10 minutes if my bike sounded like that, lo and behold not 30 seconds later it lit. Why can't people hear the life of an engine? :(
- Zduńska Wola taka sławna :D
- No water, no water!!! Sand sand sand!!!
- Chcesz więcej? - niestety brak ciekawych informacji do obejrzenia.